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Victorious Disciples Institute

Victorious Disciples Institute seeks to make, mature, multiply and mobilize disciples of Jesus Christ. To this end, we provide quality, biblically based, Christ-centered education, aimed to transform the lives of believers and develop kingdom leaders. Course offerings will be introduced gradually over the next 3-4 years as we build a curriculum divided into four phases as described below. Individuals may elect to go through all four phases sequentially (recommended) or select the specific phase that best fits your need. Certificates are awarded at the completion of each course, with special recognition for individuals who complete the full curriculum. 

Class One - Personal Growth & Development

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Class One - Personal Growth & Development

Course Details

Topic: Healing Where it Hurts

Time: 8 Weeks

Date: February 7th - March 28th

Class Day: Every Tuesday @ 7:00pm

Book: Healing for Damaged Emotions by David Seamands

Description: A disciple of Jesus Christ can only grow as far as their pain allows – which isn’t very much. While Christianity stresses spiritual growth, emotional growth is just as important. Many Christians are dealing with brokenness, past hurts, unforgiveness (of themselves and others), bitterness, shame, guilt and other emotional pain. This class is designed to help participants dig deep and face these emotions, give them to God, and walk in His healing.